Thursday, December 30, 2010

Confessions of a Concealaholic

One Hour and Forty Five Minutes.  See that slightly scary smile I have going on?  Its the smile you get from the crazy lady down the road who your pretty sure could go postal at any moment, while doing the gardening in her bathrobe - all she needs is something to set her off.  You know the one I'm talking about, right?

I say it again:  One Hour and Forty Five Minutes.

*** Complete fashion deviation for a little while - If you're here for the OOTD (which is totally cool by the way, no hard feelings) feel free to skip on down to the normal looking photo's.  You know the ones, the one's without the crazy postal lady smile ***

I turned my bedside clock away from me at 4:58am, tears were about to begin (along with the new day) and I hadn't been to sleep yet.  Yes people, I'm talking sleep.  One Hour and Forty Five Minutes.  Then I had to get my shit together and look like I can do this Mummy thing, without tears or tantrums (me that is, not the two year old!)

Now I can hear the question, what on earth were you doing all night?  Well, to fully understand how I came to be sitting up in the dining room, under a mountain of scrapbooking stuff and photographs at 3:30am while having yet another coffee (seriously, I should have just hooked up an IV line, it would have saved an awful lot of time!)  we have to go back a week, to my daughters school.

Every week at school, one child is given Back Pack Bear.  A teddy bear that comes home with thechild for one week, and gets to accompany his new family for the week.  All the while the good little mummies and daddies are taking photo's and documenting every moment in 'BackPack's ScrapBook'.  Well after nine months of patient waiting, Grace finally brought the (by this stage, rather smelly!) Bear home.  And so began a week of fun activities, all designed around keeping BackPack Bear entertained.  Apparently he doesn't like to do the same thing twice. Or share a meal.  Or eat pretend food. Along comes Sunday night, BackPack's Bear had his farewell party and Grace and I settled to create her pages of the fabulous week that BackPack Bear had.  Two hours later, I still couldn't get the printer to print a single photo.  Grace went off to bed in floods of tears, so upset that she wouldn't be able to present her week to the class, and I walked out of her room feeling pretty darn low.  Fastforward a couple of hours and I'm getting ready for bed, packing up the printer etc and thinking about how wrong it was, that after so much effort and planning of the week that Grace wasn't going to be able to show off how much work she had done this week.  And being the grownup that I am, a little tantrum made everything so much better.  As I hit the side of the printer, it magically came to life and started printing.   

Now onto OOTD ...

This is straight-up mummy-wear.  Blouse, Jeans, Comfy Shoes.  
And Concealer.  Alot of it.  Pretty much shovelled on. Spack Filler?  Oh yes please!
  Oh and how could I forget the bright necklace - to distract you from the big bad bags and manical smile.  Did it work?  Well, did it?

Off to find my bathrobe, I'm feeling a spot of gardening coming on ....
heart, Jodie xxx

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