Anthropologie Southward Stop Dress
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Raindrops keep falling on my head ...
and falling, and falling and falling. Seriously, just a day without rain would feel like a godsend at this stage. I have had a total of 5 (FIVE!) days of full sunshine since October 22nd - the day we also moved house and discovered that our new house is smack bang in the middle of a flood zone ... can't you feel my happiness all the way across the webwaves???
This is an old outfit from a week ago, but better late than never (or so I hear ...)
This is an old outfit from a week ago, but better late than never (or so I hear ...)
Anthropologie - Curated Tee
Anthropologie - Homestead Skirt
Anthro Flats
Confessions of a Concealaholic
One Hour and Forty Five Minutes. See that slightly scary smile I have going on? Its the smile you get from the crazy lady down the road who your pretty sure could go postal at any moment, while doing the gardening in her bathrobe - all she needs is something to set her off. You know the one I'm talking about, right?
I say it again: One Hour and Forty Five Minutes.
*** Complete fashion deviation for a little while - If you're here for the OOTD (which is totally cool by the way, no hard feelings) feel free to skip on down to the normal looking photo's. You know the ones, the one's without the crazy postal lady smile ***
I turned my bedside clock away from me at 4:58am, tears were about to begin (along with the new day) and I hadn't been to sleep yet. Yes people, I'm talking sleep. One Hour and Forty Five Minutes. Then I had to get my shit together and look like I can do this Mummy thing, without tears or tantrums (me that is, not the two year old!)
Now I can hear the question, what on earth were you doing all night? Well, to fully understand how I came to be sitting up in the dining room, under a mountain of scrapbooking stuff and photographs at 3:30am while having yet another coffee (seriously, I should have just hooked up an IV line, it would have saved an awful lot of time!) we have to go back a week, to my daughters school.
Every week at school, one child is given Back Pack Bear. A teddy bear that comes home with thechild for one week, and gets to accompany his new family for the week. All the while the good little mummies and daddies are taking photo's and documenting every moment in 'BackPack's ScrapBook'. Well after nine months of patient waiting, Grace finally brought the (by this stage, rather smelly!) Bear home. And so began a week of fun activities, all designed around keeping BackPack Bear entertained. Apparently he doesn't like to do the same thing twice. Or share a meal. Or eat pretend food. Along comes Sunday night, BackPack's Bear had his farewell party and Grace and I settled to create her pages of the fabulous week that BackPack Bear had. Two hours later, I still couldn't get the printer to print a single photo. Grace went off to bed in floods of tears, so upset that she wouldn't be able to present her week to the class, and I walked out of her room feeling pretty darn low. Fastforward a couple of hours and I'm getting ready for bed, packing up the printer etc and thinking about how wrong it was, that after so much effort and planning of the week that Grace wasn't going to be able to show off how much work she had done this week. And being the grownup that I am, a little tantrum made everything so much better. As I hit the side of the printer, it magically came to life and started printing.
Now onto OOTD ...
This is straight-up mummy-wear. Blouse, Jeans, Comfy Shoes.
And Concealer. Alot of it. Pretty much shovelled on. Spack Filler? Oh yes please!
Oh and how could I forget the bright necklace - to distract you from the big bad bags and manical smile. Did it work? Well, did it?
Off to find my bathrobe, I'm feeling a spot of gardening coming on ....
heart, Jodie xxx
Friday, October 29, 2010
Rain clouds in the sky.
The days are being drenched in crazy, unexpected storms. And then followed by hot summery days. All within an hour of each other.
So what do you dress for - the dark and crazy skies, or the breezy blue skies?
Cumulonimbus (?) Tee (Anthro)
Homestead Denim Skirt (Anthro)
Skinny Green Belt
African Wooden Wedges (Mathers)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something New.
Congratulations go out to Cindi and Chris today. It has been something special to watch the love and care that has gone into this wedding, and I for one, can't wait to see all the happy faces on their special day.
So raise your glasses.
To Cindi and Chris
Something Old: Nine West Heels
Something New: Primula Dress, Anthropologie
Something Borrowed: Necklace, from my daughter
Something Blue: Eyeliner, Eyeshadow and Necklace!
I was thrilled to participate in All things Aimee's Blog Bachelorette Party for Cindi.
Plus I had to add in a little Anthro for Cindi :)
Friday, August 27, 2010
I have a confession to make. Over the past nine months or so, I have been devouring blogs every morning with my coffee, to the point where I actually set my alarm to 5:30am so that I can spend the time, peacefully child-free and indulging in pure unadualtered lust and envy of some blogs of a certain nature.
Anthropologie. Kim at Anthroholic was my first find, followed swiftly (I believe it took maybe 5 mins) by Maria at Infinite Whimsy. Then came morning staples such as Effortless Anthropologie, Love at First Shop, Have a Cute Day, You, Me & Anthropolgie as they each took a place in my morning ritual. Recently I have also fallen for Musings by Jacquelyn , Princessof Taylor, Simply Cindi and Square Peg for Anthro (among others). So with my newfound Anthro devotion, came the knowledge that it was not going to happen for me. To start with, they didn't ship to Australia. Then came the international update, Australia had made the cut! But, as luck would have it, the site didn't allow most of the popular items, and none from the sales. So, like the masochist I am, I continued the not-so-discreet affair, and I found love in dress after dress, skirt after skirt, and cardi after cardi. All of which, were not coming home to me.
Then I discovered The lovely people there gave me a US address for shipping, and would hold onto my purchases and consolidate them when I requested and ship over to the land Down Under. So I started shopping the restricted US Anthro site. And wow did the the price-tags hurt, even before I start calculating the exchange rate with a dull ache in my heart, and thats not taking into account the international shipping rates. But then, I discovered thanks to a guest post on Roxy's blog, how to circumnavigate Anthro's international shipping policies. And then I discovered the internet sale times. My heart started to flutter. Finally, Kim started Anthroholic Shopper. Thats right. A shopping service directed at me. My heart took flight and soared. My husbands' nosedived.
Well, today people, is the day. My first consolidated shipment has arrived. My heart was racing, I was actually squealing when Hubs asked, "Do you have anything from Fedex coming?" (Silly man, what do you think I have been tracking obsessively for the past four days as I watched it transit the globe)
I. Have. No. Words.
Just a great big grin on my face. No doubt you will see a few Anthro pieces pop on up here very soon.
But until then I leave you with ....
The shoes that started the obsession. Picture-Perfect Clogs.
They are clogs.
They are soft, soft.
They are the perfect neutral taupe.
They have flowers.
They are mine.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Q's, Q's and more Queue's
Top - Target Tee
Skirt - Jacqui E
Belt - (drum roll please .....) Anthropologie! Snakebite in Grey
Shoes - Anapelle
Jewellery - Key Necklace by Tiffany
It was a very casual day, involving spending ALOT of time in government queues ... firstly time in DMV changing my registration, then off to Births, Deaths and Marriages to get another copy of my marriage certificate - apparently the one I was given at my wedding isn't actually proof of my marriage - I needed the one that they provided for a fee of $50! Pffft ... Got to love the hoops they make you jump through. On a positive note, I am now hitting all new gaming high-scores on my iphone :)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Five years of strength worn down with one disarming smile
This dress, which when it fit me perfectly, was hardly ever worn. Now that its a little too big, I'm wearing it as my default 'need to get dressed, but feel like jeans' look. Combined with my flats and my tiffany key, I'm set to go on a very special shopping trip with my daughter, along with a few errands around town.
Do you remember your first pet?
Mine was a chow-chow - a beautiful fluffy dog with a blue tongue named Kieko. Man, I loved that dog.
My poor mum though, had no choice in the matter - after saying no to my many plea's of pet ownership, my dad took it upon himself to right the injustice and brought a little 'suprise' home for us!
Didn't take long though to win over Mum's heart <3
Somehow, I seem to find myself in the same position as my poor harried mother ... constantly saying no to another mouth in the house. Until Grace finally used this line on me ... "Mummy, I have lots of love in my heart and I really want to share it with a special friend ... please can I have a gold fish?"
So here we are, leaving to go purchase our first pet - I give you, the ruffle girls ;)
The 'doll on a stick' is from the ekka (State Fair) that we went to earlier in the week. I have started a post about the Ekka trip but somehow haven't gotten around to posting it. I will have to do that this afternoon (I'll add it to my to-do list. Right after I drop my camera off for a service, but before any housecleaning is done. Priorities right?)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Jacqui-E: Fitting Room Review

Jo Jo Knit Dresss in Bark/Sleet ($119.95)
Top part of this dress was a lovely stretchy t-shirt jersey, with a fully lined cotton skirt that fell just below the knee. The waistband was also cotton with very little stretch, providing the dress with a little bit of structure. I went into this store speifically to purchase this dress with a credit that I had. Unfortunately the waist just hit wrongly for me, and the cap sleeves nailed the last one in for me - this dress was a not coming home.
Animal Ra-Ra Skirt ($89.95)
Unknown (and hideous!) top ($89.95)
I have no idea why I picked this top to try with the skirt, but it was purely just to try the skirt. This top is 100% designed for small chests. But on me? I have no words to say. Actually, yes I do. Hideous.
Now onto more pleasant times, the Animal Raa-Raa Skirt. I took a size too big, as it was the only one they had, and I would have to say that this is TTS. The ruffles are slightly pleated in appearance, and fall in such a complimentary way. I have no idea what is happening to the skirt shot online by Jacqui E - very blurry! I loved this skirt so much, I had the SA arrange a hold in another store. Love!

Now onto more pleasant times, the Animal Raa-Raa Skirt. I took a size too big, as it was the only one they had, and I would have to say that this is TTS. The ruffles are slightly pleated in appearance, and fall in such a complimentary way. I have no idea what is happening to the skirt shot online by Jacqui E - very blurry! I loved this skirt so much, I had the SA arrange a hold in another store. Love!
Brooke Ruffle Skirt ($89.95)
The newfound adoration of Jacqui-E continued with these little numbers.
Both found a new home - my wardrobe!

I actually had been contemplating buying this at full price a couple of months ago, but couldn't really justify yet another cardi for $90 - but at the sale price I snapped it up. The colour appears different in the photos, but it is closer to grey than lavender, with a lovely soft black as the print contrast. Finished off with a sheer black chiffon ruffle on the hem, it perfectly covers my 'bump zone' when wearing jeans or pants. TTS and I highly recommend at sale price.

Disc Black Glass Bead Necklace ($29.95)
Long silver chain that can be looped for double strand effect or worn long.
Black Glass flat discs are randomly grouped together at different intervals.
Really, really pretty. Really, really overpriced. Really, really loved it.
(edit: I went back the next day and bought this - yeah, yeah, I know. Let's not tell hubs what I paid for such a simple necklace hey? It will be our little secret ...)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
OOTD: Different Day, Different Pose
I know, I know - I've developed a little bit of a habit of stiking the same pose. Usually it's one (or two if feeling particularly cheerful) on the hips and a great big cheesy smile, followed by the cross the legs and look down at my shoes. Same pose, everytime does not make an exciting blog post. So I shook it up a little, and the results are posted. Yep, funnily enough it looks the same to me aswell. Except with dead zombie arms.
Anywho, I never know how to wear this top. It has giant flutter sleeves and no shape through the waist, so between my boobs and hips I gain 5 kgs :) On the plus side, the pattern, colours and cute crocheted (is that a word?) hem, is what is keeping it in the cupboard. Just.
I tried popping this cropped cardigan over it, trying to define the waist, I think the top itself just hits at the wrong length. While I love the comfort factor of this whole outfit (and could use this on a fat day) I don't think it made a huge impression on me.
I am sure you are thinking, "where have I seen those shoes before?" Well let me help.
On me. Everyday for the last three months.
As I said in my last OOTD post: Hardest. Working. Shoes. Ever.
Top - Colorado
Jeans - Portmans
Cropped Cardigan - Jacqui-E
Shoes - Annapelle at David Jones
Earrings - Roses from Sportsgirl (yep, total cheap shamless knockoff from Mimco)
Headband - from under my bed :)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
OOTD - Shopping with Mum & Jacqui-E Fitting Room Reviews to come ....
These are both terrible iphone shots for OOTD - but I loved scooting around town today with my mum in this dress and cardi. The unflappable Annapelle flats were out AGAIN today, but why not? They are probably the hardest working shoes in my cupboard :)
I lost a bit of weight recently so this dress is now probably a size too large for me, but the stretch in the bust and the fogiveness and softness in the skirt just makes this an 'all day dress', that was calling my name this morning. (Secretly I may, or may not, be stalking this exact dress a couple of sizes smaller ...) I also threw on a little cropped cardi just for a little more warmth and coverage - it was cold today! No jewellery but the basics and I was ready in five minutes flat.
Dress - Jacqui-E (similar found here)
Cardigan - Jacqui-E (similar found here)
Shoes - Annapelle from David Jones
Activity - Fitting Room Reviews at (where else?) Jacqui-E
Friday, July 23, 2010
Now that's a giveaway!
Wow, wow, wowsy, wow - now that's a giveaway! The incredible Roxy over at Effortless Anthropologie is holding a generous giveaway - $250 Anthro Card! Now, quick quick, go follow and enter!!!!
Dressing Down (OOTD)
Had a lovely night out with Hubs, drinks then off to a movie.
Those with kids would realise that a great babysitter is worth her weight in gold - and I think we may have found our gold statue! It was a great night with an ok movie - Knight and Day. Unfortunatley Tom's couch-jumping and crazy talk may have killed my enjoyment of his movies, if you could suspend any thought of realism - this movie was fun, with Cameron Diaz delivering some hysterical one-liners. I love this dress and originally purchased it to wear to my son's baptism with a pair or sky high stiletto's. However, I haven't worn it since then, always feeling like it was a little too dressy for everyday wear. This is my attempt to start making my wardrone work for it's living ;) While it is definately a summer-weight dress, I winterised (is that even a word?!?) it using thick 120denier stockings and woollen cardigan. Hopefully the flats have dressed it down making the outfit on a whole much more user friendly.
Dress - Leona Edmiston
Stockings - Levante (seriously the BEST stockings I have come across)
Cardigan - The Works
Shoes - Annapelle
Hairband - Water Lily Alice Band by Mimco (no longer available)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Grey on Grey, Knit on Knit
Off to classes today, then home early to look after my daughter who has had several days off school sick. I have been a bit blah lately - a mixture of no sleep and feeling like a cold may be creeping on my way - so this cardigan always comes out whenever I feel like being snugly and comfy :) In my eyes, this dress has a geometric pattern of both blue and light grey, however my husband disagrees. Anyhow, trying to keep to the grey theme, I added a pair of cable knit stockings in the same colour (which wound up taking forever to put on ad I become progressively more obsessed with the straightness of the cable lines) All in all, warm and comfortable all day long!
Dress: Country Road
Cardi: Ruffled Waves by Jaqui-E
Stockings: David Jones
Boots: Joanne Mercer
Monday, July 19, 2010
Fitting Room Reviews
After loving the fitting room reviews of so many bloggers, I thought I might as well start putting my own Australian ones up here. I already take fitting room photo's along with the a picture of the tag, so that I can dither in private as to whether I really do like or dislike the outfit. Plus I use the photo's to make a shopping mall 'wishlist' complete with clothing photograph and the numbers and sale amount :) Without further ado, here are some recent trips:
Witchery Fitting Room Review
When I saw the Ruffled Drape Skirt ($99.95) on the hanger, I wasn't really expecting much, but boy was I wrong! It is a beautiful shell colour that would blend in with most wardrobe colour schemes and I found that this skirt runs TTS (this is a size AUS14). Online it does come in both the shell and black, but I could only find the shell instore and unfortunately is dry-clean only but you might if careful, get away with a gently handwash.the layers are unusual because they actually loop down and back up to a central flat back panel, while sitting over a fairly straight skirt which is exposed on the hip area. So while it may appear to have pockets, this is actually the straight skirt underneath. Would also work well on a windy day - no problems here! love, love, love - the shell is top of my spring must-haves, (and even considering getting the black online!)
The Printed Silk Cap Sleeve Shirt on the other hand, was a total let down. I tried the flesh print (also comes in midnight) which was a gorgeous nude with a darker flesh tone subtle pebble print - the material is a pure silk that is just lovely to touch. But it completely washed me out and when not tucked into the skirt it hit me awkwardly dead on my hips. If I had a tan and another 6 inches of height - I'd be adding this in a heart beat, but won't be coming home with me :(
Jacqui-E Fitting Room Review
Another suprising find, the Barbara Shirt Dress is such a figure flattering dress for us curvy gals :) I couldn't pop the online catalogue photo on here, but it can be seen on the link above. Made in a cotton/elastane blend, it is both stretchy and structured, and sits fairly high waisted - between an empire and a natural waist - with a wellmade belt covered in the same fabric. An inverted pleat falls from the waist (which has a flattening (and flattering!) illusion on the lower tummy area. Length wise is dead on the knee's and skirt is fully lined. Up top, three button and a cap sleeve finish the dress off. I really loved this dress, but the style wasn't for me at the moment - it had a much more of a work/corporate-casual feel to it. But might be wishlisted come sale time!
Lastly, I grabbed the Jerri Utility Skirt ($129.00) in stone along with a top that isn't listed online but I think that it may be the asymetrical bib top ($59.95). The fit of the skirt may run a little large, if you are in-between, I would definately size down. The hem hit my kneecaps and was a stretchy and soft cotton/elastane blend which I have a feeling would wear really well throughout the day. But, nothing about the skirt really jumped out at me. I will have to revisit this one during saletime.
Also, have to say, I had a wonderful SA who was so helpful, even pulling out stock that hadn't been put out yet. Plenty more reviews to come. Along with a few OOTD that I am behind on, and are starting to pile up on my camera/iphone.
Witchery Fitting Room Review
When I saw the Ruffled Drape Skirt ($99.95) on the hanger, I wasn't really expecting much, but boy was I wrong! It is a beautiful shell colour that would blend in with most wardrobe colour schemes and I found that this skirt runs TTS (this is a size AUS14). Online it does come in both the shell and black, but I could only find the shell instore and unfortunately is dry-clean only but you might if careful, get away with a gently handwash.the layers are unusual because they actually loop down and back up to a central flat back panel, while sitting over a fairly straight skirt which is exposed on the hip area. So while it may appear to have pockets, this is actually the straight skirt underneath. Would also work well on a windy day - no problems here! love, love, love - the shell is top of my spring must-haves, (and even considering getting the black online!)
The Printed Silk Cap Sleeve Shirt on the other hand, was a total let down. I tried the flesh print (also comes in midnight) which was a gorgeous nude with a darker flesh tone subtle pebble print - the material is a pure silk that is just lovely to touch. But it completely washed me out and when not tucked into the skirt it hit me awkwardly dead on my hips. If I had a tan and another 6 inches of height - I'd be adding this in a heart beat, but won't be coming home with me :(
Jacqui-E Fitting Room Review
Another suprising find, the Barbara Shirt Dress is such a figure flattering dress for us curvy gals :) I couldn't pop the online catalogue photo on here, but it can be seen on the link above. Made in a cotton/elastane blend, it is both stretchy and structured, and sits fairly high waisted - between an empire and a natural waist - with a wellmade belt covered in the same fabric. An inverted pleat falls from the waist (which has a flattening (and flattering!) illusion on the lower tummy area. Length wise is dead on the knee's and skirt is fully lined. Up top, three button and a cap sleeve finish the dress off. I really loved this dress, but the style wasn't for me at the moment - it had a much more of a work/corporate-casual feel to it. But might be wishlisted come sale time!
Lastly, I grabbed the Jerri Utility Skirt ($129.00) in stone along with a top that isn't listed online but I think that it may be the asymetrical bib top ($59.95). The fit of the skirt may run a little large, if you are in-between, I would definately size down. The hem hit my kneecaps and was a stretchy and soft cotton/elastane blend which I have a feeling would wear really well throughout the day. But, nothing about the skirt really jumped out at me. I will have to revisit this one during saletime.
Also, have to say, I had a wonderful SA who was so helpful, even pulling out stock that hadn't been put out yet. Plenty more reviews to come. Along with a few OOTD that I am behind on, and are starting to pile up on my camera/iphone.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Lady Liberty, how do I love thee ...
This one goes out to all my american friends -
Happy 4th of July!
In honour of your special day, I themed my outfit all around you (lets face it - who doesn't love dress ups?) Yep, I have it all - red, white and blue.
Oh and did I mention corn? For whatever reason, when I think of the good ole US, I think of southern plantations, Lady Liberty, fireworks and corn - and not necessarily in that order :p
We had corn on the cob by the boatload - smothered in butter and garlic salt YUM!
I actually had a different top on to start with, but the day was starting to really warm up - you know those days - I just couldn't decide, I spent ten minutes dithering, but in the end I headed out sans top.
But after seeing the photo's, I'll have to do the first version again some time. I love how it completely changed the dress into a skirt.
Here is both the before and after :)
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