NEW YEAR, NEW FEET. That right folks, I have decided to make this year the Year of the Foot. Forget dragon, dog or rooster. This year it's the tootsies that have top billing. My previously neglected, pained but prettily adorned feet. For so long I have ignored the pain, my inability to walk more than a block and a half and the blisters. Until finally my feet finally put a stop to the abuse. I was hobbling like a little old lady for the first half hour of the morning and gingerly for the rest of the day until bedtime, when I would wake up with the most horrific cramps in the arches of my feet. Only for it to all start over the next day. It went on until June when I finally went and saw a podiatrist who diagnosed Plantar Facsitis, which had progressed until there were little tears along the whole length of my ligaments. The final diagnosis was that they expect my recovery to take up to a year - two years if I don't follow my stretching, icing and orthotics etc etc.
I was noticing that it was a rare moment when I saw pair of flats in the style blogs until I stumbled across Kyla at Blue Collar Catwalk and read her flat philosophy with newly opened eyes. So I took a leaf out of Kyla's blog .....
And pulled out all my collection:
I pulled any that pinch, pull, rub, are too high, too flat, and just plain old don't fit.
I was left with:
and I still hate to say it - I kept a couple that although I can't wear at the moment, I just love them too much to let go of (I'm looking you my lovely stiletto oxfords ...)
So, I stand resolute for 2011 not to purchase any ill-fitting or high heeled shoes - be it pump, stiletto or wedge. I will treasure the feet that carry me every moment of every day, and wrap them only in shoes that my FEET love.
I am so invigorated with my resolution, that I'm now hanging out for Kendi from Kendi Everyday to kick off the next 30 for 30!